
Imai Cosmo Calisthenics Plan

Also known as The King of Stranglers is one of the affiliated fighters employed for Nishihonji Security Services.

Day 1: Full Body
Day 2: Upper
Day 3: Lower / Cardio
Day 4: Upper
Day 5: Full Body
Day 6: Lower
Day 7: Rest

Beginner: 5-8 reps | Intermediate: 10-12 reps | Advanced: 15-20 reps

Detailed Calisthenics Plan

Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5
Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up
Sprawls 3sets Gi Grip Pull Ups 3sets Jumping Squats 3sets Gi Grip Pull Ups 3sets Sprawls 3sets
Bridge 3sets Wide Push ups 3sets Guard Pass Drills Wide Push ups 3sets Bridge 3sets
Plank with Shoulder Taps 3sets Wall Walks 3sets Burpees 3sets Wall Walks 3sets Plank with Shoulder Taps 3sets
Squats 4sets L sit Raises3sets Hindu Squats 3sets L sit Raises 3sets Squats 4sets
Bodyweight Rows 3sets Decline Diamons Push 3sets Run 3km Decline Diamons Push 3sets Bodyweight Rows 3sets
Side Lunges 3sets Band Row 3sets Hill Sprints 3sets Band Row 3sets Side Lunges 3sets

*Embrace Imai Cosmo's fitness style with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for a dynamic workout blending intense physical training and practical self-defense.