
Biscuit Oliva Gym Plan

He is the strongest man in the America and only man in the Arizona State Prison who has complete freedom as he is considered prison staff.

Day 1: Chest / Triceps
Day 2: Back / Biceps
Day 3: Lower / Endurance
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Shoulder / Abs
Day 6: Full Body / Functional
Day 7: Rest

Strength: 5-8 reps | Hypertrophy: 10-12 reps | Endurance: 15-20 reps

Detailed Gym Plan

Day1 Day2 Day3 Day5 Day6
Warm up Warm up Warm up Warm up Warm up
Incline Dumbell Press 4sets Lat Pulldowns 4sets Barbell Squats 4sets Military Press 4sets Diamond Push ups 3sets
Decline Bench Press 4sets Seated Cable Rows 4sets Romanian Deadlifts 3sets Dumbell Lateral Raises 3sets Wide Grip Pull ups 3sets
Cable Flyes 3sets Bicep Curls 3sets Leg Curls 3sets Front Dumbell Raises 3sets Goblet Squats 3sets
Skulll Crushers 3sets Zottman Curl 3sets Bulgerian Split Squats 3sets Face Pulls 3sets Medicine Ball Slams 4sets
Cable Push Downs 3sets Wrist Curl 3sets Standing Calf Raises 3sets Hanging Leg Raises 4sets Farmer Walks 4sets
Dips 3sets Deadlifts 4sets Run 3-5-10km Russian Twists 3sets Battle Rope Waves 4sets 35sec
